Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It's been awhile since I have updated. I ended up being SO sick last week. I took Monday off, went back Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Thursday our language arts coach came in and told me, basically, I needed to call in sick on Friday. I had no voice, I was exhausted and obviously I looked terrible. My principal and coach found a sub for me, and she was AMAZING. I never thought I would be so pleased with sub. Honestly, she told me not to make lesson plans and just tell her the page numbers. I was so thankful and feeling so miserable by that point I had just decided that I would make up for what they missed on Monday. I didn't have too! I came in on Monday and my classroom was clean. The dates were changed. I mean, it was pretty amazing and such a relief. And don't worry, I feel better. :)


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